Od viacerých z vás sa dozvedáme, že potrebute zlepšiť angličtinu najmä kvôli práci. Preto sa v našom dnešnom blogu zameriavame na Business English, konkrétne na prezentovanie údajov z grafov, tabuliek, výskumov atď.
Ako postupovať?
- Premyslite si, aký čas budete používať a konzistentne použivajte zvolený čas. (Väčšinou sa používa prítomný, alebo minulý.)
- Na uvedenie hlavných bodov môžete použiť niektorú z týchto fráz:
- Generally speaking…….x was the most striking feature.
- Overall, it can be seen that…..
- It is very clear from the overall trend that…….
- It can be seen from the graph that…….
- It is noticeable that….
- Overall it is immediately apparent that………..
- The most obvious pieces of information are that…………….
- The most striking feature was the…………….
- The main facts that stand out are…………….
- It is important to note that………………
- The most significant facts to emerge from the graph are that …….
- Tu je zopár príkladov na opísanie nárastu, poklesu, stability vo vývoji atď:
- The pie charts display changes in UK spending patterns from 1966 to 1996.
- Food and cars made up the 2 main items of expenditure in both years.
- Both comprised over 50% of household spending.
- Food accounted for 44% of spending in 1966, but this shrank by two thirds to 14% in 1996.
- Nevertheless, spending on cars doubled, increasing from 23% in 1966 to 45% in 1996.
- While spending on restaurants also grew, the percentage of salary spent on computers increased dramatically, up from 1% in 1966 to 10% in 1996.
- Some areas remained relatively unchanged.
- In conclusion, there were relatively high increases in the amounts spent on cars, computers, and restaurants at the expense of food and books.
- Ako opísať percentá? Tu je zopár príkladov:
- 75-85% – a very large majority
- 65%-75% – a significant proportion
- 10%-15% – a minority
- 5% – a very small number
- 49% – nearly half; just under half
- 32% – almost a third
- Zopár tipov na vyjadrenie sumarizácie a záverečného skonštatovania, prípadne návrhu:
- It can be seen from the data that……
- In conclusion……..
- It is anticipated that…………….
- Meanwhile it is estimated that before increasing to……
- As it can be seen………
- If these recommendations are implemented, the situation is bound to improve…
- The trend confirmed….
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