V našom dnešnom blogu sme sa zamerali na frázové sloveso „take“ v anglickom jazyku. Zaoberáme sa jeho rôznymi významami v spojení s rôznymi predložkami. Kedy použiť take in; take after; take up; take off; take back atď. Tiež v tom máte chaos? Dúfame, že naše informácie Vám aspoň trošku pomôžu urobiť si v tom jasno.

TAKE AFTER – byť po kom, byť podobný komu / In looks she takes after her father.

TAKE APART -rozložiť, rozmontovať / I am taking the dishwasher apart to see what’s wrong with it.

TAKE BACK – vrátiť tovar do obchodu/ If the jacket is too small you can take it back.


1. ubytovať u seba / We have space. We can take you in.

2. zadržať (hlavne polícia)/ The police will take them in for questioning.

3. naletieť niekomu na niečo; používa najmä v pasíve. BE TAKEN IN BY SB / STH./ Too many seniors were taken in by this thief.

TAKE (SOMETHING) IN – porozumieť (pochopiť) / I need to take in a lot of new information. I am not sure how much she took in.


  1. vzlietnuť / The plane is scheduled to take off at 10PM Pacific time.
  2. rozbehnúť sa / uchytiť sa (napr. biznis, autor, firma…)/ How is your business doing? Has it taken off?

TAKE (SOMETHING) OFF – vyzliecť si niečo, vyzuť si niečo/ Please, take off your shoes!

TAKE (SOMETHING) OUT – vytiahnuť, vybrať / They had to take out my tooth. Can you please take your socks out of this bag?

TAKE (SOMEBODY) OUT – pozvať niekoho niekam / I wanted to take her out for dinner.

TAKE OVER – prevziať, ovládnuť (napr. podnik apod.)/ He will take over the company after the president retires.


  1. začať sa venovať čomu (nejakej činnosti)/ I took up playing soccer when I was six. I think we should take up softball.
  2. zaberať (čas, miesto apod.) This big bed takes up too much space in my small room.
  3. zaoberať sa čím (prerokovať, niečo) / This issue will be taken up at the next meeting.

TAKE ON – prijať, nabrať si (zodpovednosť, náročnú úlohu) / I can not take on everybody’s job! I am already busy.

TAKE (SOMEBODY) On – zamestnať / The factory took on 20 employees last year.

Veľmi dobré vysvetlenia frázovitých slovies ponúka macmillan slovník. We hope that you were able to take some of this information in! 🙂

Happy talking želá USpeak!

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